EUR/ZAR = 0,00%

Exchange rate South African Rand EUR/ZAR

  • Last quote19,8675
  • Last quote (time)11:45
  • Difference0,0000
  • Difference %0,00%
  • Open19,8675
  • Close (previous trading day)19,8675
  • Day High (delayed)19,8807
  • Day Low (delayed)19,8675
  • Year High20,9096
  • Year Low 19,8675

Historical exchange rate South African Rand (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 26-07-202419,867459
  • 25-07-202419,918404
  • 24-07-202419,897677
  • 23-07-202419,968064
  • 22-07-202419,877260
  • 21-07-202419,840108
  • 20-07-202419,909092

South African Rand (ZAR) exchange rate

1 ZAR = Units 1 Unit = ZAR
US Dollar 0,0547 18,2731
British Pound 0,0426 23,4910
Euro 0,0503 19,8675
Japanese Yen 8,4133 0,1189
Swiss Franc 0,0484 20,6587

South African Rand

The economy of South Africa is strong thanks to gold and diamonds and later platinum and bauxite, manganese and other vital minerals. Despite the global boycott due to the apartheid policy, South Africa has become an economic superpower in Africa. South Africa exports more weapons than any other country in the world. The arms industry has grown a lot during the boycott. The economy was reformed in 1994 when Mandela became president.

Convert South African rand to euro

When you want to change the South African rand to euro and not exactly the value South African rand knows, there is the calculator on Crossing South African rand to euro is fast and free via the calculator. The value is calculated using the most current South African rand euro price. The South African rand exchange rate is adjusted every day on the basis of the daily prices that the banks make.

Did you know

The South African rand is a currency that was introduced in 1961 when South Africa became a republic. The South African pound was replaced as the official currency. The international abbreviation is ZAR. The economy of South Africa is one of the largest and best running of Africa. The wealth is not divided fairly by apartheid, about a quarter of all South Africans live below the poverty line. The Rand is a stable currency linked to the Namibian dollar, the Lesetho lothi and the Swazi illangeni.