EUR/SEK -0,29%

Exchange rate Swedish Krona EUR/SEK

  • Last quote11,3926
  • Last quote (time)18:13
  • Difference-0,0333
  • Difference %-0,29%
  • Open11,4258
  • Close (previous trading day)11,4258
  • Day High (delayed)11,4295
  • Day Low (delayed)11,3884
  • Year High11,8774
  • Year Low 11,3884

Historical exchange rate Swedish Krona (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 21-10-202411,425836
  • 20-10-202411,438204
  • 19-10-202411,441272
  • 18-10-202411,441272
  • 17-10-202411,415609
  • 16-10-202411,414018
  • 15-10-202411,344755

Swedish Krona (SEK) exchange rate

1 SEK = Units 1 Unit = SEK
US Dollar 0,0948 10,5447
British Pound 0,0731 13,6744
Euro 0,0878 11,3942
Japanese Yen 14,3337 0,0698
Swiss Franc 0,0821 12,1773

Swedish Krona

The Swedish crown is abbreviated in international trade with the letters SEK. The exchange rate Swedish krona euro is mainly influenced by the euro. Although Sweden does not officially accept the euro, the Swedish krona exchange rate is important for its trade.

The SEK euro price can be calculated via the SEK euro converter. Transferring money in euros between and from Swedish accounts is done at no extra cost, just as between other accounts in the euro zone. It may be advantageous to keep an eye on the exchange rate for the Swedish krona euro rate if you have to make a large amount. A small change in the price can result in a large saving or additional costs when converting Swedish krona.

Swedish Krona to Euro

Although Sweden is part of the European Union, the country chooses not to be part of the euro. As a result, the exchange rate Swedish krona euro is an important indicator for the economy of Sweden and for anyone who trades with the country. In 1995 Sweden decided to join the European Union during its accession to the European Union, but during a referendum in 2003, the people decided that the Swedish krona should be retained.