EUR/USD = 0,00%

Exchange rate US Dollar EUR/USD

  • Last quote1,0332
  • Last quote (time)20:33
  • Difference0,0000
  • Difference %0,00%
  • Open1,0332
  • Close (previous trading day)1,0332
  • Day High (delayed)1,0332
  • Day Low (delayed)1,0332
  • Year High1,1208
  • Year Low 1,0332

Historical exchange rate Euro to Dollar (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 07-02-20251,033218
  • 06-02-20251,038524
  • 05-02-20251,040047
  • 04-02-20251,037226
  • 03-02-20251,032679
  • 02-02-20251,024705
  • 01-02-20251,036215

US Dollar (USD) exchange rate

1 USD = Units 1 Unit = USD
US Dollar 1,0000 1,0000
British Pound 0,8063 1,2403
Euro 0,9679 1,0332
Japanese Yen 151,3964 0,0066
Swiss Franc 0,9099 1,0990

Exchange rate Euro

The euro exchange rates are related to the prices of other currencies. The exchange rate is moving constantly due to developments and news in the world. The actual euro exchange rate also changes each time. That is why banks have an euro exchange rate. That is the rate at which they buy and sell euro coins that day. The euro exchange rates changes constantly. When the bank decides to set the euro for that day, they naturally ensure that they are on the safe side of the margin with their exchange rate. The exchange rate of the euro is determined on a daily basis, taking into account the exchange rate of the other currencies. To determine the exchange rate of the euro, the bank looks at how the euro relates to the other currencies per day. The value of the euro is guaranteed by the European Central Bank. The ISO code for the euro exchange rate is EUR. When on holiday in a country that do not use the Euro, do not change your euros at any location. Sometimes there is a lot of difference between the euro exchange rates used and the actual euro exchange rate.

Euro wiki

The euro is linked to other currencies. The euro exchange rate depends among other things on the dollar exchange rate and the position of the yen. The euro exchange rate is therefore a relative value that changes daily. The euro exchange rate is set daily by the banks and that is the current price. The euro rates depend on the confidence in the currency. The euro exchange rates are displayed with the ISO code EUR.