Exchange rate Vietnamese Dong EUR/VND
- Last quote27.312,8429
- Last quote (time)00:09
- Difference64,6559
- Difference %0,24%
- Open27.248,1870
- Close (previous trading day)27.248,1870
- Day High (delayed)27.312,8556
- Day Low (delayed)27.310,7450
- Year High27.993,8227
- Year Low 27.310,7450
Historical exchange rate Vietnamese Dong (€)
- Date1 € = units
- 02-10-202427248,186952
- 01-10-202427227,669823
- 30-09-202427356,449039
- 29-09-202427487,839340
- 28-09-202427484,797006
- 27-09-202427484,797006
Vietnamese Dong (VND) exchange rate
1 VND = Units | 1 Unit = VND | |
US Dollar | 0,0000 | 24.754,9951 |
British Pound | 0,0000 | 32.490,4839 |
Euro | 0,0000 | 27.312,8429 |
Japanese Yen | 0,0060 | 168,5476 |
Swiss Franc | 0,0000 | 29.038,1132 |
About the Vietnamese Dong (VND)
The value of the Vietnam dong is guaranteed by the central bank of Vietnam. The exchange rate of the dong was turbulent during the Vietnamese war from 1963 to 1978. After the war it got even worse, border conflicts with China and Laos made the currency weaker. Only after the economic reforms in 1986 did the economy start to improve. At one point, the value of the Vietnam dong was so low that a currency revaluation was needed. The Vietnam dong was revalued in 1995. The Vietnam dong exchange rate was 1 in 10 old Vietnamese dongs.
The Vietnam dong to euro exchange rate may still vary from day to day. Always always use the easy-to-use exchange rate calculator on This way you are assured of the actual and correct rate and the most favorable exchange rate. The Vietnam dong to euro exchange rate can be found in the international currency overview. The ISO code of the Dong is VND.
Vietnamese Dong (VND) Wiki
The official currency in the Vietnam Republic is the Vietnam Dong. The currency was established by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 1978. The Vietnam dong is issued by the state bank of Vietnam. A dong is subdivided into 10 hao and xu. The hao and xu are worth so little that they have fallen into disuse. The Vietnam dong exchange rate was very stable in the early years. The coin has its origin in North Vietnam where the dong was introduced to expel the French piaster, the symbol of oppression.