Exchange rate Turkish Lira EUR/TRY
- Last quote37,1262
- Last quote (time)22:05
- Difference0,0201
- Difference %0,05%
- Open37,1061
- Close (previous trading day)37,1061
- Day High (delayed)37,2065
- Day Low (delayed)37,0113
- Year High38,2034
- Year Low 37,0113
Historical exchange rate Turkish Lira (€)
- Date1 € = units
- 22-01-202537,106116
- 21-01-202537,089556
- 20-01-202537,080943
- 19-01-202536,555900
- 18-01-202536,672582
- 17-01-202536,672582
- 16-01-202536,622324
Turkish Lira (TRY) exchange rate
1 TRY = Units | 1 Unit = TRY | |
US Dollar | 0,0281 | 35,6341 |
British Pound | 0,0227 | 44,0275 |
Euro | 0,0269 | 37,1262 |
Japanese Yen | 4,3772 | 0,2284 |
Swiss Franc | 0,0255 | 39,2766 |
Turkish Lira to Euro
The Turkish lira reached a low point in the beginning of the 21st century. The currency had devalued considerably in seventy years. The exchange rate Turkish lira against the dollar in 2001 was 1 to 1,650,000 Turkish lira. The new Turkish Lira was introduced in 2005. The new Turkish lira in 2005 was the least valuable currency in the world before the revaluation. A reintroduction followed in 2009, omitting the word new. Nowadays the currency has regained its currency and the value of the Turkish lira has even risen.
Turkish lira to euros
It is expected that the Turkish lira euro conversion will remain necessary for a long time. Turkey's accession to the European Union is sensitive for political and religious reasons. The introduction of the euro in the short term therefore seems unlikely.
Turkish Lira Wiki
The Turkish lira is the currency of Turkey. There are notes in 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 lira. The coins are subdivided into 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50 kuruş and 1 lira. 100 kuruş therefore corresponds to 1 lira. The official abbreviation for the Turkish lira is TRY. The Turkish lira and the euro are separate from each other. The Turkish lira exchange rate has been subject to chronic inflation for a long time. This was disastrous for the exchange rate of the Turkish lira euro against other currencies that saw almost no salvation in the currency.