EUR/SBD -0,10%

Exchange rate Solomon Islander Dollar EUR/SBD

  • Last quote8,9680
  • Last quote (time)18:15
  • Difference-0,0091
  • Difference %-0,10%
  • Open8,9771
  • Close (previous trading day)8,9771
  • Day High (delayed)8,9938
  • Day Low (delayed)8,9647
  • Year High9,6361
  • Year Low 8,9647

Historical exchange rate Solomon Islander Dollar (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 21-10-20248,977073
  • 20-10-20249,056832
  • 19-10-20249,062500
  • 18-10-20249,062500
  • 17-10-20249,032383
  • 16-10-20249,066332
  • 15-10-20249,032885

Solomon Islander Dollar (SBD) exchange rate

1 SBD = Units 1 Unit = SBD
US Dollar 0,1205 8,2993
British Pound 0,0929 10,7632
Euro 0,1115 8,9680
Japanese Yen 18,2123 0,0549
Swiss Franc 0,1043 9,5837

Solomon Islander Dollar

The economy of the Solomon Islands depends on foreign development aid. At the end of 2001 the country was declared bankrupt. Debts to foreign countries could no longer be paid. Taiwan in particular keeps the economy of the country running. They received diplomatic recognition in exchange for their help. The value of the Salomon Dollar is thus indirectly kept stable by the guarantee of outside income.

Convert Salomon Dollar te Euro

To quickly calculate what the ratio Salomon Dollar is Euro, you can use the exchange rate calculator. Enter an amount here and make the calculation from Salomon Dollar to Euro with the last price Salomon Dollar Euro. It is also possible to sell the value Salomon Dollar against other currencies. The last available exchange rate Salomon Dollar is used in the calculator.

Did you know

The Salomon Dollar is the currency of the Solomon Islands. The official abbreviation of the currency used in international trade is SBD. The Solomon Islands are part of the British Commonwealth where the British Queen Elizabeth II is the symbolic head of state of the country. The image of the Queen can thus be found on the coins of the Salomon Dollar. These are available in the values ​​1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents and 1 Dollar. 1 Dollar is 100 Cents. Tickets can be obtained in the denominations 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 Dollars.