EUR/PGK 1,65%

Exchange rate Papua New Guinean Kina EUR/PGK

  • Last quote4,1333
  • Last quote (time)22:05
  • Difference0,0670
  • Difference %1,65%
  • Open4,0663
  • Close (previous trading day)4,0663
  • Day High (delayed)4,1441
  • Day Low (delayed)4,0609
  • Year High4,1894
  • Year Low 4,0609

Historical exchange rate Papua New Guinean Kina (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 24-04-20244,066336
  • 23-04-20244,067961
  • 22-04-20244,049417
  • 21-04-20244,041270
  • 20-04-20244,044529
  • 19-04-20244,053796
  • 18-04-20243,987594

Papua New Guinean Kina (PGK) exchange rate

1 PGK = Units 1 Unit = PGK
US Dollar 0,2596 3,8522
British Pound 0,2074 4,8212
Euro 0,2419 4,1333
Japanese Yen 40,3984 0,0248
Swiss Franc 0,2368 4,2222

Papua New Guinean Kina

Papua New Guinea lies between Australia and Indonesia. The country has many mineral resources, but they are in a difficult to reach landscape. Minerals are a major source of income for New Guinea. For example, gold, copper and other metals account for more than 72% of New Guinea's exports. That only benefits the value of the Papua New Guinea Kina.

Convert Papua New Guinea Kina to Euro

The price Papua New Guinea Kina is reasonably stable The exchange rate Papua New Guinea Kina compared to the Euro is approximately 3.5: 1. If you want to exchange Papua New Guinea Kina to Euro, you can consult the calculator at There you are assured of the most accurate course Papua New Guinea Euro. The exchange rate Papua New Guinea is updated daily on

Did you know

Papua New Guinea-Kina is the official name of the Kina currency that is paid in New Guinea. The internationally used abbreviation for this currency is PGK. A Kina consists of a hundred Toea. The following coins are used: 5, 10, 20, 50 Toea and 1 and 2 Kina. The coins have images of flora and fauna. The paper money is available in 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 Kina. The coin only existed since 1975, he replaced the Australian Dollar. The exchange rate for Papua New Guinea Kina Australian Dollar was 1: 1.