EUR/NOK = 0,00%

Exchange rate Norwegian Krone EUR/NOK

  • Last quote11,6178
  • Last quote (time)19:53
  • Difference0,0000
  • Difference %0,00%
  • Open11,6178
  • Close (previous trading day)11,6178
  • Day High (delayed)11,6178
  • Day Low (delayed)11,6169
  • Year High12,0443
  • Year Low 11,6169

Historical exchange rate Norwegian Krone (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 07-02-202511,617812
  • 06-02-202511,647572
  • 05-02-202511,675511
  • 04-02-202511,669519
  • 03-02-202511,738696
  • 02-02-202511,742661
  • 01-02-202511,736734

Norwegian Krone (NOK) exchange rate

1 NOK = Units 1 Unit = NOK
US Dollar 0,0889 11,2443
British Pound 0,0717 13,9457
Euro 0,0861 11,6178
Japanese Yen 13,4643 0,0743
Swiss Franc 0,0809 12,3578

About the Norwegian Krone (NOK)

The introduction of the Norwegian crown coincides with the rise of the Scandinavian Union. In this Union, Sweden and Denmark were guaranteeing their money with gold for a few years, Norway joined later. Because all members used the crown as a coin, the crowns became interchangeable. Norwegian, Danish and Swedish crowns were used interchangeably since they were worth the same in gold. This situation persisted until the outbreak of the First World War, when the gold standard was abandoned. Denmark and Sweden continued to use the crown as their currency.

Exchange rate Norwegian krone

The Norwegian krone can be converted quickly and with the most accurate daily rate via the calculator on the website of Do you want to quickly find the value of the Norwegian krone? Then search for NOK in the currency overview and you will see the value expressed in euros.

Norwegian Krone (NOK) Wiki

The Norwegian krone is an old coin, it replaced the speciedaalder in 1875. The Norwegian coin is centralized by the Scandinavian Union. The official currency became the crown. Each crown consists of one hundred øre. In the Scandinavian Union, a kilo of gold was worth 2480 krone. The value of the Norwegian krone was guaranteed for a long time by the so-called gold standard. In 1931 the gold standard was abolished for good. The British pound became the standard for the Norwegian krone value. The Norwegian krone fluctuates strongly. Historically the biggest fluctuations were in the period of the second world war and at the beginning of the new millennium. The Norwegian krone is rising sharply, because Norway exports a lot of oil.