EUR/KRW 0,04%

Exchange rate South Korean Won EUR/KRW

  • Last quote1.490,6699
  • Last quote (time)18:15
  • Difference0,6122
  • Difference %0,04%
  • Open1.490,0578
  • Close (previous trading day)1.490,0578
  • Day High (delayed)1.495,5091
  • Day Low (delayed)1.489,1994
  • Year High1.514,7380
  • Year Low 1.489,1994

Historical exchange rate South Korean Won (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 21-10-20241490,057756
  • 20-10-20241488,850610
  • 19-10-20241489,782809
  • 18-10-20241489,782809
  • 17-10-20241484,898945
  • 16-10-20241481,889509
  • 15-10-20241485,045185

South Korean Won (KRW) exchange rate

1 KRW = Units 1 Unit = KRW
US Dollar 0,0007 1.379,5241
British Pound 0,0006 1.789,0707
Euro 0,0007 1.490,6699
Japanese Yen 0,1096 9,1274
Swiss Franc 0,0006 1.593,0193

South Korean Won Euro

The South Korean Won was introduced at the junction of North and South Korea. The first banknotes were issued by the Bank of Joseon. In 1950, the bank of Korea was given control over the currency. The Korean War devalued the value South Korean Won strong and was replaced by the Hwam. From 1953 to 1962, however, this new currency also fell considerably in value and so in 1962 the Won was reintroduced, this time linked to the American Dollar. Until this was decoupled after the Asian financial crisis on December 24, 1996, the currency again devalued considerably.

Convert South Korean Won to Euro

In the exchange rate calculator you can the South Korean Won to calculate Euro. For this purpose use is made of the most current ratio South Korean Won Euro. The price South Korean Won Euro over the last five years can also be viewed.

Did you know

The South Korean Won is the currency of South Korea. The official abbreviation of the currency is KRW. Coins appear in the following denominations: 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 and 500 Won. 1 and 5 won is hardly used anymore. In the past, 1 won 100 Jeon, but this is no longer used. Tickets come in as 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 and 50,000 Won. The coins and notes are very similar to the Japanese Yen, and also the value South Korean Won was almost equal to the Japanese Yen. However, the South Korean Won course has been considerably devalued over the years.