EUR/INR -0,03%

Exchange rate India Rupees (INR) EUR/INR

  • Last quote91,0274
  • Last quote (time)17:03
  • Difference-0,0241
  • Difference %-0,03%
  • Open91,0515
  • Close (previous trading day)91,0515
  • Day High (delayed)91,0515
  • Day Low (delayed)91,0274
  • Year High92,4952
  • Year Low 91,0274

Historical exchange rate India Rupees (INR) (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 26-07-202491,051495
  • 25-07-202490,864333
  • 24-07-202490,770227
  • 23-07-202490,818441
  • 22-07-202491,114695
  • 21-07-202491,256969
  • 20-07-202491,203978

India Rupees (INR) (INR) exchange rate

1 INR = Units 1 Unit = INR
US Dollar 0,0119 83,7226
British Pound 0,0093 107,6295
Euro 0,0110 91,0274
Japanese Yen 1,8363 0,5446
Swiss Franc 0,0106 94,7446

About India Rupees (INR)

The exchange rate India rupees,  when the coins were still made of silver, came under pressure because the value of the India rupees was based on the content of silver in the currency. Because of the discovery of silver mines in the new colonies, silver was worth a lot less. The coin itself became worth much less compared to other coins. This period is known as the fall of the India rupees, the fall came to an end when the coin was linked to the gold standard around 1900.

The India rupees euro ratio is subject to price fluctuations. When you convert Indian rupees to euro, it is useful to use the calculator on Using the calculator, you can easily switch India rupees to euro or the other way around with the most accurate exchange rate. The ISO code of the India rupees is INR, which means that the currency can be quickly looked up in the currency overview.

India Rupees (INR) Wiki

Rupee is a word that comes from Sanskrit, a meaning is literally braided silver. The other meaning is image or image. The India rupees in Dutch also called rupee is a very old coin, it dates from 6 centuries BC. A rupee is subdivided into 16 annas, 64 paise or 192 pies. The India rupees have been a valid currency in India for all that time. Even during the British occupation and colonization, the India rupees remained the currency with which everyone paid in India. The English have linked the rupees to the silver standard.