EUR/COP -0,42%

Exchange rate Colombian Peso EUR/COP

  • Last quote4.607,5725
  • Last quote (time)18:15
  • Difference-19,5103
  • Difference %-0,42%
  • Open4.627,0828
  • Close (previous trading day)4.627,0828
  • Day High (delayed)4.635,6952
  • Day Low (delayed)4.603,4669
  • Year High4.722,3119
  • Year Low 4.603,4669

Historical exchange rate Colombian Peso (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 21-10-20244627,082792
  • 20-10-20244605,459678
  • 19-10-20244608,344219
  • 18-10-20244640,583907
  • 17-10-20244605,334617
  • 16-10-20244624,218196
  • 15-10-20244619,117515

Colombian Peso (COP) exchange rate

1 COP = Units 1 Unit = COP
US Dollar 0,0002 4.264,0273
British Pound 0,0002 5.529,9118
Euro 0,0002 4.607,5725
Japanese Yen 0,0354 28,2122
Swiss Franc 0,0002 4.923,9285

Colombian Peso

Despite many threats of war, Colombia's economy has grown considerably over the years. Although the majority of the population is still working in agriculture, the services sector is on the rise. Colombia is the largest exporter of emeralds in the world. The value Colombian peso has had a lot to do because of the large import of American export dollars.

Convert Colombian peso to euro

In the overview currency exchange rates is the most recent ratio Colombian peso euro. This must be used for the correct conversion of Colombian peso to euro. To be sure that you use the current rate Colombian peso euro for the conversion, you use the free exchange rate calculator. The exchange rate of Colombian peso can also be used against other currencies.

Did you know

The Colombian peso is the currency of Colombia. The currency is abbreviated with the letters COP. The following coins are in use: 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000 pesos. One peso is one hundred centavo, but due to inflation this subdivision is no longer used. Tickets can be obtained in the denominations 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000 and 50,000 pesos. In 1993 the currency was introduced as a replacement for the peso ore. The Colombian euro exchange rate is variable and therefore not linked to other currencies.