EUR/BDT -0,11%

Exchange rate Bangladeshi Taka EUR/BDT

  • Last quote127,5602
  • Last quote (time)11:03
  • Difference-0,1374
  • Difference %-0,11%
  • Open127,6976
  • Close (previous trading day)127,6976
  • Day High (delayed)127,6976
  • Day Low (delayed)127,5602
  • Year High128,4868
  • Year Low 127,5602

Historical exchange rate Bangladeshi Taka (€)

  • Date1 € = units
  • 26-07-2024127,697590
  • 25-07-2024127,504675
  • 24-07-2024127,388361
  • 23-07-2024127,418671
  • 22-07-2024127,989574
  • 21-07-2024128,046086
  • 20-07-2024127,903479

Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) exchange rate

1 BDT = Units 1 Unit = BDT
US Dollar 0,0085 117,3236
British Pound 0,0066 150,8252
Euro 0,0078 127,5602
Japanese Yen 1,3070 0,7651
Swiss Franc 0,0075 132,6403

About the Bangladeshi Taka

The word taka is derived from the Sankriet word tankah which means stamped currency. It also has similarities with the Mongolian tamga that means stamp. Bangladesh was part of India until 1948 and used the Indian rupee. After this period the country became part of Pakistan and the new currency became the Pakistani rupee. After it’s independance, Bangladesh introduced an 'own' currency. The Banglades taka with a conversion ratio of 1 to 1.

Bangladesh taka euro conversion

For the calculation of the Bangladesh taka to euro you can use the exchange rate calculator. This converter uses the last rate Bangladesh taka euro. The value of the Bangladesh taka can also be calculated against other currencies. The Bangladesh Taka exchange rate used is always the most recent Bangladesh taka exchange rate available at the time.

Bangladeshi taka wiki

The Bangladesh taka is the currency of Bangladesh. The official abbreviation for the currency used in international trade is BDT. Available coins are 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50 poisha and 1, 2 and 5 taka. 1 taka is 100 poisha. Notes are available as 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500 taka. Large amounts have their own nicknames. For example, 1 lakh is equal to 100.000 taka and 1 crore is the same as 10.000.000 taka. The Bangladesh taka was introduced in 1972, a year after Bangladesh became independent.